

Hi there! Welcome to my site! My name is Scott Warren and I live in southeastern Kentucky with my wife Kirstie of 20 years and our son, Ben. My current focus has been on sports photography but I also enjoy shooting portraits, weddings, and landscapes.  I love supporting our local high schools and colleges through my photography.

I’ve been blessed to have my work published on websites and in print with media companies such as The Mountain Advocate Newspaper, The Times-Tribune Newspaper, Bluegrass Sports Nation, and the Cumberland Voice.

In 2019, I received the “Best Photographer” award for Knox County, Kentucky voted by the public of Knox County and published by The Mountain Advocate Newspaper.

If you want to connect or just follow me you can find me on social media platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram. 

Emails are welcome at and I look forward to serving you!

Contact me today to book your personalized session!